We are pleased to inform you that Volume XXIV (2023) of the Journal of Unification Studies is now available online!

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JUS XIX toc header
A Transformative Approach to Conflict and Violence Drissa Kone
Celebrating 25 Years of the Good Friday Agreement Colm Ó Cionnaith 17
The “Post-Protestant Thesis”: The Decline of Cultural Consensus and Path to Its Recovery James B. Edgerly
A Note on Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Pacifism Susan Bouachri

A World of Structures: Critical Examination and Theorization under Unification Thought

Janic Aguirre Fukuno
Divorce in the Unificationist Faith Community Sungmi Holdhus
The Unification Doctrine of the Fall and the Writings of Irenaeus of Lyon Vassilios Bebis
A Rejoinder to Dr. Bebis Theodore Shimmyo 111

Printed copies of the JUS, past and current issues, are available for purchase from the Unification Theological Seminary, 30 Seminary Drive, Barrytown, NY 12507 at $17.50 domestic, $25.00 for institutions and overseas orders. Please make checks payable to the Unification Theological Seminary.

For questions about purchases and subscriptions, please contact Mrs. Ute Delaney.

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