We are pleased to inform you that Volume XX (2019) of the Journal of Unification Studies is now available online.

You may also consider becoming a regular subscriber and purchase a paperback copy now.

JUS XIX toc header
A Short History of Unification Theological Seminary: The Barrytown Years Michael L. Mickler
The Unification Doctrine of the Fall Theodore Shimmyo
Challenges and New Development in the Emerging Women’s Leadership in Unification Church Ministry Grace Selover
The Unification Movement Today in Light of the Parallels of History Tyler Hendricks

Biblical Proofs that Jesus Should Have Married

Robert S. Kittel
Knowledge of God: An Issue for Epistemology in Unification Thought Andrew Wilson
The Ideal of Interdependence in Cheon Il Guk and Corporate Governance Robert Shairer 217
How an Abstract God Could Create a Substantial Universe Richard L. Lewis 251
Book Review: Free Marie, by Maree Gauper Alexa Bonner 273

Printed copies of the JUS, past and current issues, are available for purchase from the Unification Theological Seminary, 30 Seminary Drive, Barrytown, NY 12507 at $17.50 domestic, $25.00 for institutions and overseas orders. Please make checks payable to the Unification Theological Seminary.

For questions about purchases and subscriptions, please contact Mrs. Ute Delaney.

This periodical is included in the ATLAS® online collection of religion periodicals as well as indexed in the ATLA Religion Database®, products of the American Theological Library Association, 300 S. Wacker Dr., Suite 2100, Chicago, IL 60606, USA. email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., http://www.atla.com