Bessell, E. Gerhard. "Preparatory Investigation for Establishing an Academic Institution in Latin America." 2008, 84 pp.
Brunnschhweiler, Peer-Martin. "Aspects and Principles of Unification Education." 1989, 68 pp. (see also Unification Philosophy)
Garland (Winings), Kathy. "Creating a Context for Commitment and Mature Religiosity in the Unification Church Religious Education for Young Adults, Age 18-30." 1987, 187 pp.
Haycroft, Ian. "Building Schools: Some Issues for Unificationists." 1986, 125 pp.
Kiely, Michael. "Issues in Unification Education." 1995.
Ota, Akira. "Effective Field Education as the Key to the Development of the Unification Movement." 2001, 87 pp.
Shafto, Ken. "A Manual for Teaching Unification Theology from a Judeo-Christian Perspective." 1996, 134 pp. (see also Ecumenism/Interfaith)
Symon, Jennifer. "The Change Impact of An Interreligious Work Study Program: A Case Study" [Religious Youth Service]. 1987, 140 pp. (see also Ecumenism/Interfaith)
Watteville, Charles de. "Werner Erhard's Technology of Transformation: Possibilities for Empowering the Unification Vision." 1987. 101 pp.
Wenzel, Eric J. "The Creation: Selected Resources for Introducing God's Existence, The Three Blessings, and the Spirit World." 1991, 106 pp. (see also Unification Theology/Creation)